The Seven Spheres of Influence – Loren Cunningham

Loren CunninghamOne of the key foundational principles to the establishment of the University of the Nations, Youth With A Mission’s training arm, is the idea of the seven spheres, influences, or mountains, of society. The seven spheres are:

  • Family
  • Religion / Church
  • Education
  • Government
  • Media
  • Celebration (Arts, Entertainment, and Sports)
  • Economics (Business, Science, and Technology

The idea behind the seven spheres is that it is through influencing those areas of society, that the entire society can be influenced with the gospel.

In this episode of the YWAM Teaching Podcast Loren Cunningham, the founder of Youth With A Mission and the University of the Nations, shares about those seven spheres, and how God is influencing the nations through them …

Loren Cunningham is the founder of Youth With A Mission (YWAM) and the co-founder and International Chancellor of the University of the Nations (U of N). He is also the leader of the YWAM UofN Campus in Hawaii and a member of the YWAM International Eldership.

The Book that Transforms Nations - Loren CunninghamLoren Cunningham is the author of a number of books including:

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18 Responses to The Seven Spheres of Influence – Loren Cunningham

  1. Egil says:

    Thank you for the great podcast. When listening to this episode, i wondered what year it is from. The Vimeo reference indicates it is from 2012?

  2. @Egil That specific teaching is from 2012, but the idea of the seven spheres or mountains began in 1975.

  3. Mark Kigozi says:

    the teaching of the 7 spheres of influence is quite appropriate for the age we live in right now! I am a Pastor of a young church and I had been pastoring the youth in a big church yet i feel the christian has not understood or taken this mission seriously!i feel the Lord would like us to have dominion and influence for christ the generations(disciple) so that they live up to the great commision

  4. JJ says:

    Wonderful message!!!

  5. Rose says:

    Thank you do much Loren, this helps us as we are forming a team through agricultural m

  6. Check our website to pray also for the spheres of influence

  7. Olabode Aguda says:

    I have been preaching this for many years now.
    God bless you

  8. Jaggili Chiranjeevi says:

    Dear Friends,
    I am interested to know more about 7 Mind Molders and its impact on cities.
    Praising God for this initiative by Dr.Cuningham.


  9. David says:

    I believe that God has led me to a conviction that the spheres of influence in society will be progressively subject to the Holy Spirit as Christians within these spheres gather together in silent meetings – waiting on God to reveal what is his will concerning specific matters. Traditional Quakers use his method in their church business meetings and I believe that it can be applied in business, government and all the other spheres. Decisions are reached when all the members are convicted of what God’s will is for the specific issue in question (it is a matter of discernment, not merely consensus).
    The method, as applied to Quaker business meetings, is described at;

  10. Marie Rivers says:

    There is an 8th sphere of influence found in the Old Testament book of Daniel 3:2. Some how the 8th sphere was not included in modern times of the Christian age. I refer to the 8th sphere as the Church (due to it’s specific Worship is towards Jesus Christ)

  11. Bob Gad Kalyowa says:

    As a Pastor, i think there is a need to educate the congregations we are pastoring to know how to positively react to these mountains/spheres of influence.
    Otherwise, we will have a corrupt generation,
    So let’s wake up if we want to see the coming generation still standing for the truth and spreading the gospel.

  12. Pingback: Died: Loren Cunningham, Who Launched Millions on Short-Term Missions

  13. Sheku dalil samura says:

    I want to thank God for YWAM, I am a student of ywam lib. And I have blessed through the teaching

  14. David says:

    The 17th. Century charismatic prophet and Quaker founder, George Fox, appeared to hold beliefs not too far removed from the 7 mountains movement. A favorite Biblical passage of his was Rev.3:20. Fox interpreted this as saying that Christ comes to everyone but most are not aware of his presence. But for those who are aware and who open to him, he enters into their spirit, transforming them through the spiritual new birth into his very likeness. To be born again of the Spirit is to be freed from the chains of sin by Christ. Fox drew attention to the role of Jesus as the Prophet foretold by Moses and to his position as Teacher. Like the indwelling of Christ in the genuine Christian, Fox saw these as not merely doctrines to be believed, but facts to be continually experienced. Jesus still teaches us and remains the Prophet, except that now he teaches and delivers prophetic messages through his corporate body – the church and, especially, local manifestations of the church i.e groups of Christians meeting together in Jesus’ Name. Fox foresaw the growth of the Kingdom as those people who had yielded themselves to the inward rule of Christ spread through what we would now call the “spheres of influence” in society, bringing Christ’s sovereignty to these spheres.
    The way, I believe, is for Christians within the “spheres” of “mountains” to come together on a regular basis in silent meetings waiting for the Spirit to direct them into their witness within their respective spheres. Best to begin by claiming Jesus’ promise
    to be present wherever two or three are gathered together in his Name, to silently thank him for being present and to ask him to guide the thoughts and deliberations of each member of the group such that agreement be reached as each correctly discerns God’s will on whatever matter is being held before him.
    For more concerning this, please go to the small and free ebook at;

  15. Sana Vosanibola says:

    So revealing and necessary message from God’s heart to the Christian world.
    This will definitely flow to our congregation

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